
This site is meant to be an encouragement to the people of Israel. You will find re-blogs from friends, vision & dreams, observations on principalities and powers, podcasts, Scriptural insights, posts about the land of Israel and our visits there. I pray you will be enlightened and empowered by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) as journey down the path of understanding what place is among the people of Israel.

The picture above was taken in Israel. It is the hills above Shiloh. The final history of Shiloh is a sad one and it speaks about our rebellion as a people. In this one battle with the Philistines, the ark was taken, our high priest Eli died along with his sons. The rocks cry out to remind us that we are people do this day in need much healing. As we return to our fathers, the patriarchs, may we learn to embrace a life of repentance and an awareness of ha satan’s devices.

The picture below is the arch of the “Patriarchs” in a park in Yafo, Israel. I like to think of this as a doorway or portal into the Land of Israel. You will understand the Land of Israel much better if it is done through the eyes of Avraham, Yitzhak, and Yaacov our patriarchs.